Friday, November 23, 2007

Beer Post #1

Tonight, I am having a nice wheat beer from Ukraine. It's called...

ΠШЕНИЧИЕ ЕТАЛОН (Pshenychne Etalon). Manufactured by Etalon, it is a pleasant, unfiltered weissbier that lacks that unique German yeast found in the traditional style. This brewery also makes a filtered version called "krystall" that I can't be bothered to try, because filtration of a wheat beer is a sin.

You can read at Etalon's website about the history of wheat beers. Make sure you click in the upper right corner on EN for English! This is an informative website.

I would recommend Pshenychne Etalon for happy hour with light snacks (e.g., cheese board with grapes and bread). The cost for 1/2 a liter in Kharkiv, Ukraine: H2.80 ($0.55). Definitely worth the cost!